Pollination: Coding with bee bots

Reviewing Native Bees


Your students learned about four native bees in our lesson. Native bees are incredibly efficient and effective pollinators, and are currently out competed by non- native and invasive honeybees. Use this lesson to review the native bees we learned about and become experts on these important species!


ACtivity Duration:

  • 30-45 minutes



  1. Pull up the slides with the names of the bees, photos of the bees, and video links. This will be your guide for this activity!

  2. Hand out one coloring page to each student along with their appropriate coloring materials.

  3. One slide at a time, go through the names of the bee, the photo of the bee, and each video about each bee.

  4. Once you’ve finished watching the video, have the kids spend a few minutes drawing their best replication of the native bee they just reviewed. They should try to be as accurate as possible in their drawings! They can also add labels of cool features they notice like big pollen sacs on back legs, a fuzzy body, special colors, long wings, etc.

  5. Their drawings should also include the color flower that that bee likes to pollinate, as well as a food example of what grows from plants with that color flower! Example: Blue orchard mason bee, pink flowers, apples.

  6. Move on after a few minutes of drawing and labeling to the next native bee!

  7. Repeat 4 times until kids have a log of all four native bees they learned about that they can send home at the end of the day/ week.