Exploring Compost Critters

Essential Questions:

  • What do plants need to survive?

  • Where do plants grow?

  • Why are worms important?

Lesson Objectives:

At the end of the workshop, students will be able to:

  • Understand how soil is made

  • Explain what plants and animals need to survive

Explore our resources

Click on the images to access each resource (available as a PDF or webpage)

Take-Home Guide

Information for parents & legal guardians (available in English and Spanish).

Información para padres de familia y tutores legales (disponible en Inglés y Español).

Standards Alignments

Explore the ways our program aligns with CCSS + NGSS standards.


Review these words with your students from our lesson!



Learn how to properly compost with a short read-aloud.


Set up a classroom composting system using a simple soda bottle.

Social Emotional Learning

Coming soon!


Reading Resources

Explore our staff picks for your students!

Video Resources

Additional learning videos to watch!

Staff Pick

Read “What’s Sprouting in my Trash” and complete the activities!


Background Information

A habitat is an animal's home. It's where it gets all the things it needs to survive. Animals need food, water, and shelter to survive, but different animals in different habitats gets those things in a variety of ways. Animals that make their habitat in the arctic may make their shelter in a snow den, while those that live in the forest may nest in trees. Food could be plants or other animals, and water can come from lakes, streams, or even rainfall.

In order to make a habitat more suitable for themselves, some animals may alter the places where they live. Beavers turn running water into a still pond by building a dam. People turn forests into neighborhoods by building homes and paving roads. Even squirrels change their habitat by digging for and burying nuts! Many animals, large or small, change their habitats to fit their needs and help them survive.