Social EMotional Learning Activity

Diversity at Your School


This activity draws parallels between biodiverse ecosystems and diverse school or community environments. If biodiversity helps ecosystems stay resilient to human impacts such as deforestation, development, and pollution, how does diversity in schools help the community it is in?


  • Writing prompt page (Here)

  • Pencil

Activity Duration:

  • 45 minutes



  1. Explain to students that they will be watching a video about diversity in the classroom (accessible here).

  2. After the video, break students into groups or pairs. Ask them one of the following questions, giving them time to discuss with their group or partner before asking the next one.

  • What are some ways you are similar to your partner?

  • What are some ways you are different than your partner?

  • How does diversity make our class special?

    *For example, we all like different types of music. This keeps it interesting! Or, our families cook different types of food. This means we can share and try new things together!

    3. After students discuss, you can have them share to the class. Write what students share on a board.

    4. After discussing, hand out the writing prompt page. Give students 20-30 minutes to write their responses freely and use the words on the board for inspiration.